The “DNA Activation Self-Healing Program“
The merits of the DNA Activation Self-Healing Program continue to unfold. Thousands of people worldwide have stepped forward and begun their “Inner Journey” towards Human-Spiritual co-existence. We always have been Spiritual Beings. Learning how to live in the human embodiment has taken thousands of years to master. Now is the time to accelerate the process, and incorporate your Divine Nature into this Earthly existence.
Most of the information to carry out the DNA Activation Self-Healing Program has been received intuitively from Source by direct cognition over a period of 20 years. It still unfolds as new information is received.
Benefits of the DNA Activations
The DNA Activations truly bring forth a clearer orientation to life and personal destiny. It accelerates Self-Mastery and opens the door to discover who you really are. You are on this planet to experience emotions, create, and share. Looking within to find your roadblocks in life is a courageous challenge. Self-discovery is a key to your freedom. The DNA Activations delve directly into finding out more about yourself: the good and the not-so-good. Though most reported changes appear related to physical conditions, emotional release, intellectual clarity, and social improvements are what stand significantly at the forefront of those in transition. The amazing aspect of the DNA Activations resides in the fact that their ongoing process is virtually automatic!
Spontaneous healings can occur at the time of Activation, most of which relate to acute physical and emotional disorders. It appears that the First DNA ACTIVATION works to get the physical body realigned toward a healthier state of existence. Reports and testimonials to date reveal that those who have been activated undergo substantial detoxification at both the physical and emotional levels. This is an important purification process that starts immediately, and continues periodically for several years until completed.
The Second DNA Activation works to accelerate psychological awareness and subtle change. Results indicate that individuals find more peace with themselves and obtain a better orientation as to their life’s purpose and destiny.
There are currently twelve DNA Activations:
The 1st DNA Activation of Archetypal Chromosomes
The 2nd DNA Activation of Rejuvenation
The 3rd DNA Activation of Uniqueness
The 4th DNA Activation of Integration
The 5th DNA Activation of Royalty Consciousness
The 6th DNA Activation of Detachment
The 7th DNA Activation of Divine Residency
The 8th DNA Activation of Causal Interaction
The 9th DNA Activation of Perfection of Trust
The 10th DNA Activation of Generating Abundance
The 11thDNA Activation of Divine Order
The 12th DNA Activation of Divine Discipline
As you are part of healing process, you influence the outcomes. It is unethical for any Practitioner to guarantee you a specific result. Though, most of our customers have instant positive changes after our sessions.
By ordering this product you agree that you also have reviewed and accept the Terms and Conditions stated on the “Release Form, Session Follow-Up Guidelines & Advisory, as of 27 October 2017” Document.
We look forward to being of service to you!
If you would like to experience a session, please, first contact us at:
Suggested donation – Product valued at $70.
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