The 5th DNA Activation of Royalty Consciousness
The “Royalty Consciousness” or the 5th DNA Activation purports that every individual has a genetic KING/QUEEN structure within the DNA. These genes serve as the root of your kingdom here on Earth, your heavenly kingdom, so to speak. Your seat of Royalty abodes deep within you as Divinely designed genes.
The primary focus of the 5th DNA Activation prepares you to initiate Royalty Consciousness dormant in your DNA. Your mind, body, and soul begin to shape shift your inner and outer environments to efficiently function in this new Light of KING/QUEEN. To emphasize the behavior of royalty, OHF mimics the European era of castles, kings, and queens.
To partake as a King/Queen in Royalty Consciousness, you must first be grounded in your physical environment, transcend the limitations of social consciousness, embrace the ethereal realms of King/Queen. Then you are ready to sit in your THRONE and RULE your Heaven. Your environment (Kingdom) and body (Castle) now are grounded Spiritually in your Domain of Divine Royalty.
Duration: 1 hour
Disclaimer: As you are part of healing process, you influence the outcomes, so, no Practitioner can guarantee you a specific result. Though, most of our customers have instant positive changes after our sessions.
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