Life Coaching Program

Facilitated by Dr. Robert V. Gerard
with assistance from Ms. Zeljka Roksandic

Life Coaching

The hearts and creative pursuits of the individual drive the souls of entrepreneurs and professionals. Many accolades are presented for the toils and merit of success. With fame, glory and victory come the plethora of challenges and quests. It takes a strong man or woman to stand alone on the path to higher achievement. Who motivates the motivator and who motivates the achiever lie within those who truly know themselves.

Sometimes pressures, ego dominance, and suppression of the creative energy vital to sustain growth can shadow your dreams. Relationships at work and in the home begin to falter. Dreams begin to shatter.

When the need arises, Executives and Professionals can to turn to us in confidence. We can:

  • Rekindle your inner spirit
  • Turn problems into life learning challenges for opportunities
  • Mend the stream of consciousness, which prevails over survival
  • Inspire your empowerment.

If you seek Life Coaching beyond traditional methodology, and desire quick, candid, and result oriented treatment, then call for an interview. Dr. Gerard and Ms. Roksandic work straightaway into what’s really happening within and outside of you. With your cooperation and input, we usually can determine and resolve most conditions. We work discreetly, in total confidence, and avoid enrollments and elongated therapies. Give us a call…

Organizational Behavior, Communication, and Psychology

People skills and competencies can make or break an organization. Most problematic situations are unique to the organization’s environment: the management, the employees, and the system of inter-communications. Prevention helps catastrophe and headaches, and a good intervention can save the company thousands of dollars. But just like backaches, you only know they are there when the pain sets in.

If you suspect an organizational problem or know of a situation that needs attention, we can customize a treatment program for your organization. What we ask for is the facts and your commitment. Call us a call and let’s chat.

Customized Training:
Seminars, Workshops & Courses

In most cases, a customized training program can be designed and developed for your organization. An assessment and feasibility study to determine the training need offers a wise approach. The amount of savings generated as a result of the training should also be estimated. Customized training can also be implemented for an individual or small group.


Individual Coaching

There are times when situations get a bit chaotic and life challenges surmount. The need to see your way through events and find some inspiration can be augmented by very personalized coaching. Whether on the job or at home, coaching may provide some answers.

Remote Coaching

If your environment interferes with meeting in a physical setting, then arrangements can be made to accomplish the tasks. Distance does not present a problem. With E-mails, phones and cell phones, we can facilitate the communication process.

Group Coaching

An objective approach to accelerate group performance and behavior can prove beneficial. Sometimes in groups, the personal agendas of members get in the way of each other. It can be the time to have an external coach shape shift your group. Coaching offers a way to get things done and to save some heads and money in the process.

Executive Interventions

An Intervention is when an external agent becomes part of the working environment to foster positive change. Anyone from senior management to the supervisory staff can have a need for an intervention. It is an excellent method to salvage an individual potentially targeted for probation or dismissal. Or, it can be used to accelerated the individual’s work situation to become more resilient and receptive of a forthcoming promotion.

Organizational Team Psychology & Behavior

The effectiveness of a team depends on its system of operation, information flow, and the psychological interconnectedness of the team or groups of teams. How efficiently are tasks being performed? How ompetent are the members of the team? And, how is the team’s environment best serving its members? These are all crucial factors, we can implement specific changes to get specific results.

If you would like to experience a session, please, contact us at: