You can estimate the amount of money your company wastes each year based on non-productive talk, or poor communications. Just check the sample chart below and do your calculation….
Activity | Units | |
Number of Employees in Your Company | 30 | people |
Estimated Minutes an Employee Wastes Each Day | 25 | minutes |
Calculate Wasted Company Minutes a Day (30 people x 25 min) | 750 | minutes/day |
Convert Minutes Into Hour (750/60) | 12.5 | hours lost/day |
Approximate Number of Work Days per Year | 270 | work days |
Calculate Total Wasted Hours per Year (270 work days x 12.5 hours lost/day) | 3375 | hours lost/year |
Average Employee Compensation + Benefits | $12 | dollars |
Estimated Total Profits Lost per Year (3375 x $12) | $40,500 | Lost Profits |
Yes, these figures are quite realistic and in some cases, shocking. Nonproductive chatter and excessive personal dialog are hidden expenses. When employees cannot verbally confront issues or deal with poor performance situations, much higher losses are generated. This can be corrected. Savings can be realized and employees can enjoy their work environment.
Contact us or call today and let’s discuss how the “Verbal Confrontation Skills Training Program” can save your company thousands and make the work environment less stressful.