Hands of Peace Program

The Genetic Approach for “A World in Peace”


Mission Statement

Our mission focuses on creating a better understanding of what it takes to achieve “A World in Peace.” To awaken people with broadening thoughts and actions towards generating an environment for Peace and to encourage people to apply this information in their daily lives.

We desire to teach people to unite their hearts and minds, to use the magic in their hands to touch and connect with others in order to create and sustain “A World in Peace.”

The objective of our book “Hands of Peace” is to provide groundbreaking information, techniques, and action tools for individuals and their governing institutions as well as corporations to attain “A World in Peace”.

The “Hands of Peace” Book

by Zeljka Roksandic & Robert V Gerard


“Know what needs to be done to bring the planet
into its peaceful state. We need first to feel the power
of Inner Peace. When we realize the beauty of Peace
within ourselves, then and only then
shall we have ‘A World in Peace’.”
—Robert Vincent Gerard

The Trilogy of Hands of Peace serves as a tool and voice for the people of the world. It provides an educational quest for every individual, family, tribe, community, culture, and nation. Each section of the trilogy delves into the many challenges that arise with the question of who’s accountable for perpetuating Peace. The dialogues offered present a variety of concerns, issues, and petitions from the people to secure a better world and environment for living in Peace. The Hands of Peace Trilogy has three Volumes.

Volume ONE looks into the personal aspects with regard to achieving Peace. This volume divides itself into three sub-parts, which further clarifies the personal aspects and includes (a) looking within, (b) the power of Peace, and (c) Free Will and Peace.

Volume TWO delves into the social aspects for achieving Peace. It also is divided into three sub-parts that highlight the social connotations, which need to be understood. They include (a) the personal perspectives for social change, (b) institutional and governmental aspects for change, and (c) universal considerations for change.

Volume THREE of the Trilogy brings the reader into the heart and true purpose of the DNA Activation for “A World in Peace.” This volume provides the instruments for change. It is the “How-to” and application section that provides an numerus techniques, meditations, prayers, poems, and the detailed description of the DNA Activation for “A World in Peace.”

Hands are gifts to the world. We use our hands to bring you information, to hand-talk, to shake hands, to touch and embrace each other, to clean a tear, to deliver food, to make a bed, to guide you and to generate “A World in Peace.” We use our hands in service for the Highest Good of the World.

Are you ready to step forward, to open your eyes and see the bigger picture? Do you desire to walk through the Gates of Beauty and Peace? If so, then consider yourself as a contributing participant to this book.

Keep in mind that this book was written to serve as a voice for the PEOPLE. As more people become united, change will occur. In that pursuit, the best way to read Hands of Peace is with an open heart and to trust that there are higher powers at work.

In this book, we present an interactive dialogue among four major contributors: the People, the King, the Queen, and the Source, or “God” if you will. It also includes a fifth element—Action-Technique Exercises.

The PEOPLE serve as the Collective Human Consciousness expressed.
The KING serves as the Father- Masculine Consciousness expressed.
The QUEEN serves as the Mother-Feminine Consciousness expressed.
The SOURCE serves as God/Goddess Consciousness expressed.
ACTION-TECHNIQUE EXERCISES serve to help you become makers of your reality. The Action-Techniques include a variety of instructions, suggestions, meditations, and easy to use exercises. Most of the Action-Technique Exercises presented help change the genetic codes in your DNA, stimulating cellular rejuvenation. This complements your intent, imagination and passion for Life. When these exercises are repeated from the heart, the probability of manifesting physical change increases dramatically. Trust that by repeating these techniques you can change your behavior and this can change your environment. Using the Action-Techniques you can co-create the Kingdom of Peace.

Capture what is hidden between the lines of this book. Do not rush through this book. Process it. Feel it. Trust it. Do the same with your Life. Take action, activate your heart and extend your hands. Make “A World in Peace” the greatest of all your goals.

When your have read through Volumes ONE and TWO, then the real test for change and commitment is presented. The DNA Activation for “A World in Peace” is most powerful. It will change your Life and elevate your awareness to new insights for your human-spiritual evolution. Be patient and give it a try.

Now is the time to read and listen to what we all have to say and share. Let the dialogue begin!

Order the “Hands of Peace” e-Book, Vol 1&2 today!

Order the “Hands of Peace” e-Book, Vol 3 today!



The Desire for “A World in Peace”

My name ZELJKA derived from the Slavic language’s elements:
zhelit “desire” and mir “peace”,
meaning “DESIRE PEACE”

“Desire to be ready for every moment,
be aware that all the knowledge and powers of the Universe
are guiding and helping you in every moment
…even this very moment. This desire brings you Peace.”

—Zeljka Roksandic

Desires are like soap bubbles. When you release them into the air, they shine and float. You can see the whole world in them or they can pop and disappear. The desire for Peace must be stronger than this bubble. It should be rooted in this world through your genetic structure. When grounded, it will grow as a tree bearing fruits of joy, freedom and love for future generations.

The desire for “A World in Peace” stimulates a person’s DNA to become receptive of God’s Plan and Energy in order to Expand Peace into the Universe. This means that “A World in Peace” is a genetic process. It is truly a creative process. Therefore, the difference between instinct and desire must be understood.

Free Will is what separates instinct from choice. Most that is driven by instinct cannot be controlled, and what is driven by desire can be mastered by Free Will.

Beyond the animal kingdom of instinct, humans have the pre-creative process of desire. Desire is not a behavior to fulfill a need, but rather an extension of a probability, which generates a creative fulfillment. For instance, the desire for having lots of money is fulfilled by what will be accomplished with this money: living in the nice home, eating healthy food, affording a great education, or traveling around the world.

To understand how the desire for Peace can be seeded, compare this with the notion of “Making Love.” “Making Love” is beyond the human instinctual need. Generally, most animals do not make love. They simply have a sexual union. The notion of Making Love has been virtually downplayed to infer having sex. In reality, Making Love truly means creating the “Space for Love” and ultimately, to bring in the Soul of a Child.

In a similar sense, the “Desire for Peace” means setting the vibration from which the Essence for Peace is seeded. The desire to stimulate one’s DNA Consciousness for Peace underscores the Divine Process to propagate “A World in Peace”.

What problems will change when humanity sustains “A World in Peace”? You will no longer see faltering economies, poorly managed governments, superficial wars, inhumane terrorists and zealous religious acts that produce disharmony. This will all stop! Political and corporate structures will be forced to tell the truth. The deplorable mind-set of lies and dishonesty practiced within advertising, pharmaceutical, genetic engineering, and weapons development will no longer survive on fear based motives. Ignoring human rights that were not honored and will no longer be tolerated. Most socially responsible business practices will set higher standards for people and society, and the quality of life shall reach a much deserved place in world history.

The body needs quality food to grow. And Society needs quality energy to evolve and expand. Money is the blood energy of society. The society that uses its money as social energy, tends to naturally permit its governed to become more educated and evolved. Inner Peace is the substance and awareness of society. Only with this energy and quality can society expand. As each society attains this goal, the global community will unite and expand as well in a sustainable peaceful state.

When everyone has Inner Peace and vibrates it outwards, changing the environment peacefully, Peace will erase stress and disharmony. With more harmony, people will have better perception of Life. The more health, the less need for pharmacy. The more honesty, trust and responsibility we demonstrate, the less corruption. The more Peace we have, the less wars and terrorism. The more money, the better the economy. The more unified perception of God, the less religious disharmony. The more education, the less governmental control. The more human rights that exist, the less rivalry.

The benefits of desiring and attaining Peace can be expressed individually, socially and globally: mutually and universally. The benefits are endless and many of them can be attained when humankind sustains itself in “A World in Peace.” It is not utopia, rather a sustainable achievement.

In conclusion, Peace can be considered as the only common sustainable element known throughout the Universe. It cannot be compromised. It IS. Peace has the same component for everyone. Unconditional Love can be a component, but can it hold its consistency among people? Therefore it is not sustainable because it is dependent on human emotion and perception. Even the perception about God varies among people, and even within the same religion. Only Peace can be found in each person, and when activated it holds the merits that can unite people to people, people to the universe, and the Universe to God.


“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
—Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Table of Contents 

Mission Statements
Prologue: The Desire for a World in Peace
Hands of Peace Trilogy

Volume One—Meaning of Peace
Part A: Looking Within
Give Your “Hands of Peace” a Chance
Two Aspects of Peace
The Seeds of Peace 
The Gift of Peace 
Peace in your Mind
Cells of Peace 
The Knowledge of Peace 
Manifesting Peace 
Peace in your Soul
Peace is the Way 
Peace is Your Inheritance
Act for Peace 

Part B: The Power of Peace
Peace in your Power
Peace in your Heart 
I am Peace
The Magnitude of Peace
Manifestation is Unraveling
Mastering Peace
Man’s Certificate of Origin
Peace in your Creations
Thoughts of Peace Within You
The Power of Peace Multiplied
Healing with Peace

Part C: Free Will and Peace
Peace in your Expressions
“A World in Peace” as a Universal Project
Good and Evil in Today’s World 
Choice of Peace 
Making Efforts for Peace
Universal Creativity
Peace in your Roots
The Way of Peace
The Music of Peace
Divine Peace
Saying “NO”
Adam and Eve

Volume Two—Expanding Peace

Introduction: Consciousness of Peace

Part A: Personal Perspectives
Peace is the Goal
The Role of our Genetic Structure
The Highs of Peace
Peace in your Environment
Missing Links to “A World in Peace” 
Peace of the Holy Spirit
Steps of Peace

Part B: institutional & Global Aspects
The New Trinity of Humanity
God’s Brain?
Growing Society
The Majority is for Peace
Governing Peace
Peace on the Earth

Part C: Universal Aspects
The New Galactic Earth 
Peace in the Universe
Relationships that Inspire Heaven on Earth
The Genetic Peace Grid 
Archetypal Peace 
The Hands of Peace


Volume Three— Sustaining “A World in Peace”

Application Techniques
The DNA Activation for “A World in Peace”
Performing the DNA Activation for “A World in Peace”
The DNA Activation for “A World in Peace” for Specific Subjects
Simple Guidelines and Techniques for a World in Peace
Inspirational Mini Action-Techniques
Angelically Inspired Action-Techniques
Quick Action-Technique Visualizations
Meditations for Peace
Special Angelic Meditations for Peace
Codes for Resolution

Financial Peace
Mother Mary “Queen of Peace”
Additional Tools
Peace Transitioning Monitoring Chart
Testimonial Sheet
The Genetic Peace Grid Organization
Lectures, Books, CDs, Training Seminars
Hosts, Educators and Volunteers
Authors’ Biographical Sketches
Contact Data

Give Your “Hands of Peace” a Chance 

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.”—John Lennon

We, the Collective, speak, and our desires are to:

  • have Peace in our lives.
  • expand our love for self and the world.
  • have plenty of good food for our families.
  • let our children play in safe places.
  • have good health care systems.
  • have the opportunity to receive a good education.
  • adapt to our changing environment.
  • be respected by other cultures.
  • take down all the walls and fences that separate us.
  • bring back social responsibility to all forms of business.
  • put an end to dishonesty and corruption.
  • challenge governmental incompetence and lies. 
  • stop all the wars and killings.
  • enjoy our planet, play and live a good life.
  • sing in freedom.
  • hold our Hands in Peace.

People, you have spoken. We hear your desires. These are your birthrights. God gave you a birthday suit; it is time to wear it with respect and honor!

People, you are curious souls. By reading this book, you are committing to give Peace a chance. Understand that Peace is real. Peace is the process that needs to be empowered and sustained all the time.
You cannot read this book, agree or disagree, and simply let it go. From this moment onward, you need to put your efforts in creating Peace within and around you all the time. 
Peace begins with YOU, but does not finish with you. It’s for everyone. Each of you needs to connect your hands with others, letting your fingers serve as roots grounding this planet in Peace. Then, the Law of Attraction, which connects similar expressions to one another, will do the rest. Our Earth will then integrate with Universal Peace and we shall attain “A World in Peace”.

Remind yourself:

  • Hands are very powerful tools.
  • How many hands were joined together to build the pyramids?
  • How many friends joined their hands to help build a new home?
  • How many hands from different countries united together to help people in need after a catastrophe? 
  • How many hands does it take to produce, transport, sell, cook, and serve the food on your table? 
  • How many hands joined together to create computer programs, cars, bridges and monuments?
  • How many hands have handled the money that you use to buy and sell things? 
  • How good do you feel when embracing your child, touching your spouse, hugging and shaking the hands of your friends?
  • When the hands of peaceful people are joined, they begin creating a consciousness for the Genetic Peace Grid. This Grid becomes the power source to expand Global and Universal Peace.

Action-Technique Exercises: “Be Here”

  • Look at your hands
  • Now close your eyes
  • Imagine your hands powerful
  • Imagine capturing the moment with your hands
  • You are master of your moment
  • Imaging holding Life’s gifts in your hands
  • See beauty in everything
  • Understand this beauty
  • Imagine touching roses with your hands
  • Yes, smell the roses
  • Bring in your outer world
  • It will make you feel larger
  • Fill your inner world with joy
  • Realize the moment
  • Open your eyes
  • Look at your hands
  • They are shining in Peace
  • Breath out Peace into the world
  • Be here
  • And it is so!

The DNA Activations for “A World In Peace” 

Whenever there is any feeling of tension or discord, I discovered that if I looked within myself for the fault and did not blame the other person, then tension and discord ceased.  — Gandhi (1869-1948)

About DNA Activations

DNA Activations are more than a concept. They are real, results-oriented and substantially supported by recent scientific evidence. The DNA Activations are a process of accelerating the functionality and sequencing of one’s genetic coding by using intent, imagination and passion.

Science now knows that human biology and psychology are interwoven. Equally important is the fact that human DNA has the capacity to receive external information as well as to influence it. In other words, your DNA can understand and process your thoughts and your imaginations. The corollary is also true: your DNA can generate circumstances in your environment.

The legendary quote “You create your own reality and the experiences in it” happens to be a truth. Understand that you are in charge of your world: mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have changed their lives through DNA Activations. Now we are using it to generate “A World in Peace.”

What is DNA Activation?

The essence of each DNA Activation centers on the Narrative Protocol. The Narrative Protocolconsists of a series of high-powered statements. Each statement has been received and/or inspired by Divine Source, with minor adjustments for grammar. The intent and content of the Narrativeare quite Sacred in design and application. They provide a profound and direct dialogue with the Holy Spirit.

Main Objective?

The main objective of the DNA Activation for humanity is to obtain heightened well-being, self-realization andAscension Peace Consciousness. The DNA Activation for “A World in Peace” extends this objective into the depths of our galactic environment.

Purpose of DNA Activation

Science now knows that the genetic structure of DNA changes based on several natural influences: the environment, culture, and intent. Our program uses the process of intent. Intent is a psychological complement of biological functionality. Together your body and mind exist in this environment.

It is our hope and mission to stimulate potential positive changes in you to eventually sustain “A World in Peace.” From our experiences, these changes not only alter inner genetic functions, but social and environmental aspects as well. This means that whatever changes you experience, will affect everything around you. We have concluded that to obtain the behavior of World Peace, one must do it genetically.In our international bestselling book Change Your DNA, Change Your Life! we present several techniques that work to naturally improve the overall well-being of individuals. The two primary techniques are called the Firstand Second DNA Activations.

The DNA Activations for “A World In Peace” – Benefits 

Common Benefits resulting from the DNA Activations

When we address the benefits of DNA Activations, we place them into four categories: physical, emotional (psychological), social, and long-term self-discovery. When your genetic codes (DNA) are activated, a natural and efficient re-sequencing of the codes takes place. You undergo natural changes for your Highest Good, resulting in improved emotional and physical health.

On top of the list of benefits for “self-discovery” is the pursuit of “A World in Peace”. When this process becomes stimulated, you become happier. This rising state of wellness encourages increased empathy and compassion. Once achieved, you find that you become extremely sensitive to your thoughts and emotions on the social level and definitely you feel Peace, thinkPeace and actPeace.

Benefits of the DNA Activation for “A World in Peace”

Science can demonstrate that our DNA can receive information and communicate change. All this takes place at the sub-atomic and quantum levels of our Nature. It uses the subtle unified fields of energy and consciousnessto shape-shift and form our reality and environment.

With this scientific knowledge, we can safely infer that generating “A World Peace” has its roots in human genetics as well as through mental, psychological, and social processes. We have tapped into a unique technique that can genetically change the behavior of mankind creating Peace everywhere. That technique is the DNA Activation for “A World in Peace”.

We speculate that the essence of Divine Life and Nature is rooted within the DNA of both humans and animals. By some radical means, when the DNA gets activated—a genetic (codon) acceleration and expansion process occurs. This allows a higher functioning field of consciousness to become dynamically and behaviorally energized. Our work is in the field of holistic psychology, performing DNA Activations and empowering the global community’s increased drive for World Peace. From the results of our work we find the hiddenfield of consciousness encoded within the DNA as an inherent aspect of some kind of “God Gene” sequencing.DNA Activations increase the functionality of the genetic codes. They are based on Intent. Here’s how it works. If your intent is to experience increased well-being, then this may very well occur. Intent is the highest form of creativity expressed by our consciousness. Intent initiates a causal process whereby the consciousness of the genetic codes stimulate communication to similar genetic codes in other cells, people and the environment. This occurs in the physical, psychological, and social realms. Your neurotransmitters, peptides and protein cell receptors interact at the cellular level. So, when you set the intent for something, your genetic codes function to achieve the intent manufactured in the neuron (brain cell).  
In a nutshell, when you change, you also create changes in others and in your environment. When you activate your Codes for Peace within, you influence Peace within others.

Performing the Ceremony of the DNA Activation for “A World In Peace” 

Within the DNA Activation Ceremony, there are nine (9) Components.
Each Component has a unique Intent and specificHand Position:
1st Component: Claiming Authority and Divinity.
2nd Component: Desire for Peace.
3rd Component: Fire of Purification.
4th Component: Paternal Universe.
5th Component: Maternal Universe.
6th Component: Child of Peace.
7th Component: Expanding Peace.
8th Component: Gratitude for Peace.
9th Component: Trust, Releasing, and Completion of Peace.


I really liked the seminar “Hands of Peace”. Have a feeling of joy, Peace, happiness, love. I would like to express great gratitude to Robert and Zeljka. My dears, what you give to all is impossible to feel right away. The comprehension comes in slowly, and it doesn’t stop.
(T.K., Moscow-Russia November 2010

)I liked this seminar, I felt myself a part of work of Peace and Love on the planet Earth.
(N.L., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Beautiful seminar. You feel light and peacefulness inside. You feel as a co-creator of the Peace in the whole world.
(I.S., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

I would say that I was a part of a huge process that was created and is being created with all of us by Zeljka and Robert. It is more than just a seminar. Without pathos, very earthly, yet divinely. Extremely grateful (Deep bow) from the depth of my heart. Good luck in all your work (safe travels).
(P.T., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Fantastic!!! Towards the end of the meditation I saw a large column of light. Then bright stars lit, just like fireworks.
(F.D., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Very powerful seminar. Just grand! And all DNA Activations that we learned have prepared us for it.
(G.B., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Thank you very much for such a precious seminar! It is so important for peace and peacefulness to rule the whole world! I honestly hope that this program will spread through the whole world with the speed of light and immediately will “light” the Genetic Peace Grid. From the bottom of my heart I wish to all of us for this to happen! Wishing Love and Peace to all!
(A.O., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Thank you very much for this gift to humanity. There is nothing I can compare what I felt with. I felt myself as a creator. The feeling of unity with everyone who was near, with the whole world, with the whole Universe. Great flow of energy, feeling of heat and flow of energy among all of us. Pictures of the Star of Father-Sky, the Heart of Mother-Earth, feeling of the Universal Love, flows and connection of two lives and me, floating in them, loving and loved.
(G.N., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Very soft, tender seminar, yet very powerful. I had a feeling the whole group was united into a flow of light, ascended up as a ray of light, integrated with the Earth, and then lit its own star in the “Genetic Peace Grid” surrounding the Earth.
(C.A., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

I believe it is very important program. I felt a great moment in my life and I am sure this program will help to establish Peace in the world. I’ll be great for as many people as possible to be able to participate in this DNA activation for the World Peace.
(K.M., Moscow-Russia November 2010)

Healing Techniques

Simple Guidelines and Techniques for “A World in Peace” 

The secret to bringing peace to earth is bearing in mind that the world is simply what it is. And is it so small a place, that you could change it radically? Live at peace with yourself, if you would bring peace even to one other human being. —Donald Walters (1969-2003)

This section will give you Codes of Resolution, Action-Techniques, Meditations and Guidance on how to create and sustain “A World in Peace,” a peaceful mind, heart, family, culture and world.

What can I do to build Inner Peace?
First, focus on your own self-love and inner beauty. You are the only you on this planet. No one else can live for you. You are unique and have special ideas and wisdom that can be shared with others. Inner Peace means you are not tempted by time and expectations, rather, you live in the moment and express your true self.The more you practice this, the more you will enjoy your own beauty and generate peaceful states of mind and heart. This builds the quality of Inner Peace for you.In addition, you role model a confident peaceful behavior. Perform daily meditations, prayers, and give yourself some good sacred space to reflect upon your Inner Peace

How can I spread Inner Peace into the world?
The best way to spread “Inner Peace’ is to live it yourself. This serves as an example of Inner Peace for others. Do what is best for your Highest Good, and eventually, that turns into the Highest Good for All. Express your truth and feelings of joy with confidence. Avoid trivial conversations. Instead, talk about wonders and joys for World Peace among family and friends. Become educated and involved with peace activities and groups.

How can I get involved with “A World in Peace”?
World Peace is a collective pursuit. You are a piece of the Grand Mosaic of World Peace. Talk World Peace as often as possible. Join a neighborhood organization and meet people with the same ideals. They need your support. You can reinforce your desires and advocate for Inner and Global Peace. Research the topic. Play with it. Remember, the more you focus on activities surrounding World Peace, the more you help create it.

Meditation #9—“Peace in my Heart” 

Overview: This is a great meditation for the person who desires to empower Peace within the Heart and help others in the same pursuit. This meditation works with the Angels of Peace and is quite enlightening. Take several deep breaths.

  • Bring awareness to your heart.
  • Feel Love in your heart.
  • Take a deep breath and breathe out Love. 
  • Imagine Love as sparkles going out of your mouth into the air.
  • Take a deep breath and send more Love in the world.
  • Feel how your heart is opening. 
  • It is big and beautiful.
  • Your heart sings music of Love.
  • You can feel sparkles of Love within you.
  • The sparkles of Love are around you.
  • Now perceive your heart as one big sparkle. 
  • It grows and develops into a Star of Peace. 
  • Take a deep breath.
  • In the moment, you find yourself in the realm of Peace.
  • You are realizing that the Universe is full of these Stars of Peace. 
  • They are the Stars in the night sky.
  • Angels are around you.
  • The Angel of Peace comes to you. 
  • The Angel puts its hand on your heart.
  • It attunes and activates the Star of Peace in your heart.
  • You can sense Peace vibration flowing through you.
  • Your body is receiving healing energies of Peace.
  • You feel only Peace.
  • You think only Peace.
  • You are Peace.
  • Your heart is open to receive healing energies of Peace from Angels.
  • You are ready to awake your inner Angelic Healing Powers to heal yourself and your Life.
  • Angels are smiling with you. 
  • They are touching you with their Healing Hands of Peace.
  • Take deep breath.
  • You know that Angels of Peace are always with you.
  • They are showing you your mission of Peace.
  • They hold many Peace Stars in their hands. 
  • You are flying with Angels above the towns tossing little Peace Stars onto the people.
  • Perceive how the Peace Stars heal people and their lives.
  • You are happy.
  • You feel Love.
  • You heart is filled with Peace.

You are contributing to “A World in Peace.”

Order the “Hands of Peace” e-Book, Vol 1&2 today!

Order the “Hands of Peace” e-Book, Vol 3 today!

The Genetic Peace Grid

The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other.

—Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

Within our DNA, there is a very uniquefield of consciousness that reflects our Divine origins, which we term the “God” genes. We have a particular interest in this field of consciousness because of its behavior—uniting and expanding with similar fields. We believe that these fields serve humanity and generate a unifying field of social-consciousness.

Behavioral and social scientists know that consciousness influences behavior. When more individuals manifest this new awareness, the field is strengthened, a critical mass is reached, and the awareness becomes the conscious property of all.

Once there is a behavior, there is an experience, and wisdom becomes grounded in physical expression. It is here that the term “Spirituality” takes on a unique meaning. It needs “behavior” to survive on this planet. Spirituality must be grounded into human-earthly experience in order to be creative and effective.

According to the renowned Japanese biologist, Dr. T. Kishina, civilizations have their roots within humanity’s collective DNA. He suggests that our DNA proliferates toward a purer emotional state of existence because it possesses the wisdom to flourish and achieve a higher state of existence—Spirituality.

We speculate that the essence of our Divine Nature is rooted within our DNA. By some radical means, when the DNA gets activated—a codon acceleration and expansion process—a higher functioning field of consciousness becomes dynamic. We find this hidden field of consciousness, encoded for the Human Spirit, to be an inherent aspect of the “God Gene.”

On a global level, the collective expression of this field of consciousness is what we term the “Genetic Peace Grid.” The “Grid” is beyond philosophical theory. More concretely, it is anchored into physical DNA. Herein lies the key principle—the Genetic Peace Grid functions behaviorally. In this behavior, the genetic properties of Inner Peace that is, the royalty of our Divine Nature—becomes our environment.

Though unseen, the Gridcoalesces with the mechanics of Earth Consciousness. This could be envisioned as a white glow around the planet. When we set the intent for this concept, we create it. When we imagine it, we anchor it into our reality. And when we apply passion into it, we give it Life. Thus our consciousness has formed a very real Genetic Peace Grid—behaviorally grounded onto Earth.

Biologically, we are already genetically designed as one. There is more to Unity Consciousness than generating one humanity. It’s important to realize that Unity Consciousness guides and empowers us towards World Peace. Obviously the majority of people globally desire “A World Peace”, but remain fragmented. World Peace must be genetically grounded for its consciousness to proliferate. That is precisely what the Genetic Peace Grid is manifesting.

Unity Consciousness reunites us with our inner and outerGod—our loving Intelligence and our Infinite Being. The Genetic Peace Grid empowers this process on a global scale. The inherent wisdom of this experience unleashes a powerful resource for change. How? Because, with the presence of the Genetic Peace Grid, Spirit now has the mechanism to create, change behavior, and empower us towards achieving Peace.

We are Consciousness both individually and collectively. The human mind depends on the human body for its existence. One cannot exist without the other. The Holy Spirit, or Spirituality, does not have a physical body to create change.

When we perform DNA Activations, we genetically accelerate DNA Consciousness, which evolves to include Divine Consciousness. As DNA and Divine Consciousness integrate they have a direct relationship within genetic behavior. This allows “Divine Mind” to interact with Human Mind. We often hear that “God feels through us.” Since humans are inherently good-natured, loving, and peaceful, this new integration has the power to express itself more potently.

The Genetic Peace Grid serves as an instrument for Divine consciousness to express itself behaviorally through our DNA. It is becoming a viable, solidified and unified process of accelerating our human awareness and behavior toward a more universal mind-set for World Peace. With this construct in place, the collective body that orchestrates the Genetic Peace Grid becomes a major player in redefining humanity’s social, political, and spiritual environments. Everyone on the Human Genetic Peace Grid can serve as a transmitter of awareness and behaviors from Source into the global community. Up to this point, Spiritual information has been highly fragmented. Now it will become more focused, consistent, and behaviorally forceful.

The Genetic Peace Grid is not a theory; it is a physical force. Once collectively anchored as a unifying field of social consciousness, it will evolve to become one of the prime methods for Spirit to create change on the planet. As the Genetic Peace Grid expands, its collective field of consciousness becomes a balancing force to that energy which sustains materialism and consumer consciousness. Eventually, it becomes the vehicle fostering Divine Duality—a heavenly-like state of physical existence that eradicates the pitfalls of materialistic duality.

Spirit needs to be genetically anchored in our DNA as a creative force, not solely as an influential force. If this paradox were not true, then Spirit would have already made the necessary social and environmental shifts for the sake of improving the condition of humanity. Spirit needs to be anchored on the Earth Plane genetically. This is why so much focus is being placed on raising consciousness and the unfolding function of our DNA.

Existing within our genetic codes—the God Genes—are the archetypal codes of our beauty and royalty. Herein lies the field of consciousness that will set our society free. As the Divine Plan unfolds the Unified Field of Unity Consciousness can finally be ascertained and expressed.

The Genetic Peace Grid comprises every human being who has experienced some form of acceleration of his or her DNA. This applies to people who have had near death experiences (NDE), any kind of DNA Activation including sound, or a rebirth in their acceptance of the Mother-Father One Principles. It also includes the children, their parents and grandparents and those whose conscious goals are indeed in service to generating Inner Peace for one’s Highest Good and World Peace for the Highest Good of All.

It is time to get out of the “box.” Bigger events are appearing before our eyes, from massive global events, to new microscopic discoveries within our cellular world. We are awakening.

In summary, Spirit’s success on Earth depends on understanding our human ability to increase the conscious and physical acceleration of our DNA. Let’s strive to generate a global Genetic Peace Grid through expressing our royal selves. Let’s not get off the planet, but rather change the way we live on it.


Grids are universal forms. They are structure. Galaxies have grids, insects have grids. The Internet network connects the whole world in one system. Anyone can be on a grid system, depending on one’s Free Will and access to technology.

Each country has strategically protected their borders. This is their grid of security. Corporations and institutions have their network grids including sales, communication, and production.The same is happening with the Genetic Peace Grid. As it expands, it connects those people in Ascension Peace Consciousness who have attained a peaceful mind-set. These are the people committed to use their Free Will to genetically generate the vibrations to achieve “A World in Peace”. When the critical mass of these people is reached on the Earth, and empowered by the Genetic Peace Grid the whole population will begin to sustain “A World in Peace”. Be part of this evolution.